- c(u) – pn. 3sg class IV accusative pronominal clitic
- ććaz – n.IV. tool, device, appliance
- ira – aff. negative suffix
- kakl(a) – pn. 3pl class VII accusative pronominal clitic
- kiz – pn. 1sg accusative pronominal clitic
- mii – v.C. to make, to form, to build, to construct, to form
- nata – n.VII. writing, text
- n(u) – pn. 3sg class VIII accusative pronominal clitic
- oz – aff. nominalizing suffix for abstract ideas (needs an accusative pronoun after)
- pae – v.C. to be able to; auxiliary verb for conditional mood (takes reflexive plus accusative as subject)
- pama – adj. this
- ta – pn. reflexive ergative pronoun
- śupoe – v.CC. to hold; to use as an instrument or tool
- uk – aff. ablative suffix
- un – aff. adverbalizing suffix
- Polysynthetic
- SOV word order.
- Split tripartite alignment.
- Transitive verbs take ergative subjects and accusative objects.
- Active intransitive verbs take absolutive subjects.
- Stative intransitive verbs take accusative subjects.
- Noun classes:
- cIV: tools, structures, buildings
- cVII: small, precious things
- cVIII: abstract concepts, especially ones relating to words, speech, language
- Noun cases:
- Main three cases:
- Ergative
- Accusative
- Unmarked on nouns
- Accusative pronouns can also function as nominalizers
- Absolutive
- Pronouns preserve all three cases
- Verbs:
- Dictionary form ends in -‹ae›, -‹ii›, -‹oe›, or -‹yy›.
- Base stem: remove the ending of the dictionary form.
- For CC verbs, also remove the vowel between the last two consonants.
- Stems:
- C verbs:
| Realis | Deontic | Irrealis | Transitive | (a)C | aᴺCil | (u)qCu, (u)CCu | Antipassive | aᴸCat | aᴺCaeś | aᴸCatu | Passive | (i)Ci | (a)Ciil | isCu, izCu |
- Example: rae — stem r–
- (a)r, arat, (i)ri, andril, andraeś, (a)riil, (u)qru, aratu, izru
- CC verbs (R is the rest of the root, C is the final consonant)
| Realis | Deontic | Irrealis | Transitive | (a)RC | RaᴺCil | RuqCu, RuCCu | Antipassive | RaᴸCat | RaᴺCaeś | RaᴸCatu | Passive | RiCi | (a)RCiil | RisCu, RizCu |
- Example: lopyy — stem l–t-
- (o)lp, lovot, lypy, lombyl, lomboeś, (o)lpyyl, luppu, lovotu, lyspu
- Incorporation:
- Nouns and adverbs can be part of the verb, placed before the stem.
- Adjectives:
- End in -ma by default, but various constructions do not use the suffix.
- Phonology:
- Vowel harmony:
- Default group is ‹a aa ae i ii› /a aː æː i iː/; secondary group is ‹o oo oe y yy u uu› /ʌ ʌː ɤː ɨ ɨː/.
- ‹u uu› /u uː/ are neutral.
- Prefixes and suffixes shift to match the harmony of the root they’re attached to.
- Final consonant mutation:
- In certain inflections, final consonants may mutate to others.
- Two types:
- Lenis mutation (consonant undergoes lenition, usually to a liquid) — notated as ᴸC
- Prenasal mutation (consonant gains a nasal before it) — ᴺC
- Other: