/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 1st Babby Relay (Spring 2015)

#5Tysren by CapitalOneBanksy

Ǧämi elec darweis qöli-is jarooc ċer ho - boli elec darwe ho.

this demonstrates guides and paths, not towards places: this won't use guides

use.3sg.pres this(proximal).ERG guide.ADD path.ADD path.INST to not - use.3sg.pres this.ERG guide not

  • Bolla (v)- To use, to utilize
  • Darwe - Guide
  • Ǧämmä (v) - To teach, to demonstrate
  • El - Proximal demonstrative
  • Ho (p) - Negator particle
  • Jaro (n) - Place, location
  • Qöli - Path

Word order:

  • Tysren is primarily VSO.
  • Prepositions and particles go AFTER the applied word.


Tysren has a system of noun classes, with 4 different classes. Each one has an ending or small set of endings, however not all words exhibit this easy pattern. Here are all the endings you need to know

Class 1, humans:


Class 2, animate things


Class 3, inanimate things


Class 4, Abstract things, tools


Tysren also has a case system, made up of 7 distinct cases. Here’s how one declines nouns:

  • Ergative: -(e)c
  • Absolutive: ∅
  • Possessive: -he (word may undergo syncope)
  • Dative: -ne
  • Ablative: -ni
  • Instrumental/Prepositional: -(V/e)c (with V being the final vowel of the word duplicated)
  • Additive: -is
  • Vocative: ∅/-eka

Note: The additive case is sometimes written with a hyphen in cases where it might need to be made more clear.

Like in many other languages, the verbs in Tysren conjugate. A normal verb ends in a geminate consonant and the vowel A (written with a capital as Tysren uses a system of vowel harmony in which A could be either a or ä). To get the conjugated stem of the verb, you degeminate the consonant and remove A. Then, you apply the following endings. I will give only what is used.)

Present Inidicative

  • 1st person: -is
  • 2nd person: -ig
  • 3rd person: -i