/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 1st Babby Relay (Spring 2015)

#4Aonadri by KippLeKipp

medykń dya hxĕmamat fyraktĕtĕ tedyn sy sŭedy; Sy păutăzyk dya hxĕmamat.

These guides show paths that lead to nowhere; These guides will not be used.

  • medydń - v. to show, to demonstrate (paradigm 3)
  • dya - proximal demonstrative pronoun
  • hxĕmat - n. guide, set of instructions
  • fyraktĕ - n. path, way, method
  • sŭe - n. place, location
  • păutăk - v. to use, to make use of, to utilize (paradigm 4)
  • tedyn - prep. to, towards (object must be in locative)

word order: VSO


  • for plural, reduplicate the final syllable if the noun ends in a vowel; otherwise, reduplicate penultimate syllable
  • sy - negative particle
  • -(e)dy - locative
  • replace final non-nasal consonant in infinitive form with <k> - present stative (paradigm 3) (ex: yasytń -> yasykń)
  • insert <zy> before final consonant in infinitive form - future perfective (paradigm 4) (ex: dŭlret -> dŭlrezyt)