/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Babby Relay

#4Ekeran by KippLeKipp

nekjynnukó junn uetuakãnn jókukatón nijenla quatinn uoqrhë tszhëkólón

I will become a bad language family in 12 hours

  • uoqrhë - twelve
  • nijenla - adj. bad, evil
  • uakãnn - na. family
  • nekjynn - na. to become
  • kuka - na. language, speech
  • tszhikól - ni. hour

Word order is SVO.

Ekeran has two grammatical noun classes, animate and inanimate. The class prefixes differen depending on which class the noun is:


plural is -(t)ón.

Verbs conjugate based on person and aspect:

Imperf.-(e)zi OR alternate a/o OR ã/õ-0-(a)nu OR alternate u/o
Perf.-(u)kó + alternate a/o OR ã/õ-(k)i OR alternate i/ɛ
Prog.-(i)tann + alternate a/o-(i)tann-(i)tann

Tenses are indicated by particles placed immediately after the verb. When not used, the perfective is in the past tense, while the others are in the present tense.:

  • junn - future
  • guxe - past (not on the perfective)
  • annël - present (on the perfective; otherwise forms the imperative)