/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Babby Relay

#7Talíekøð by brainandforce

líekøðéntaɥ naɥkirtamļðel

Language hobbies will become evil.

language.hobby-PL very.bad-FUT.INCH

  • alv - stative verb (basically, some sort of "to be"
  • ðel - inchoative
  • énta - hobby
  • kirt - bad
  • køð - speech
  • líe - any visual representation of language
  • mļ - future tense
  • naɥ - very
  • ø - plural

Rules for changing things around.

The plural marker ø becomes ɥ when it follows a vowel.

The -lv is the infinitive ending for verbs, remove it when not infinitive

Word order

Agent initial