/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - 2nd Babby Relay

#6Sjonna by Clausangeloh

Tetison gjellārtes sjennait ganiso.

I am/become (the) family (of) languages in (the) bad/evil time/hour.


  • gjelar v. to love someone familialy (R-Conjugation)
  • sjenna n. language (0-Declension, Masculine)
  • tetjon v. to do evil, to destroy (N-Conjugation)
  • ganjo n. season, time (0-Declension, Vegetal)


1 The language is tripartite.

2 The word order is rigidly non-configurational.

3 /j/ palatalises previous sound. Thus /tj/ is pronounced /t͡ʃ/. This sound change isn't reflected in the spelling.

4 /w/ geminates previous sound. Thus /rw/ becomes [r:]. This sound change is reflected in the spelling.

5 /j/ and /w/, when between two consonants, they are vocalised to /i/ and /u/ respectively. This sound change isn't reflected in the spelling.

6 A word is inherently in the singular. Once you lengthen the final vowel (theme vowel), the noun is in the plural.

7 The -t suffix denotes either collective when attached to singular, or paucal when attached to plural.

8 Adjectives and participles agree with the noun.


1 Verbs

1.1 R-Conjugation

Participles are formed by -wVr; the vowel depends on the noun class. Participles work like adjectives and are declined like nouns. See III. 2. Nouns bellow.

1.2 N-Conjugation

Participles are formed by -jVn; the vowel depends on the noun class. Participles work like adjectives and are declined like nouns. See III. 2. Nouns bellow.

1.2. S2-Conjugation

First person ends in -es. S2-Conjugation verbs tend to have a state meaning.

2. Nouns

2.1 0-Declension

For masculine nouns, the absolutive ends in -a. The genitive ends in -ai.

For vegetal nouns, the absolutive ends in -o. The locative ends in -so.

2.2 R-Declension

For masculine nouns, the absolutive ends in -ar.

2.3 N-Declension

For vegetal nouns, the absolutive ends in -on. The locative ends in -son.