/r/conlangs Chat Network Relay Game - Learn a Lang Natlang Relay 2

#12Basque by JimmiZendrix

Iratxe etorri zara gelan begiratu, eta galdetu
Hire ekipajea daborduko maletak egin ez duzu? kaiku! Hire ekipajea beteta daborduko da!
Ni ihardetsi; "Oraindik ez dut. Inor ere gauzak barruan ekipajea ukitu ez duten"
Ustela naiz inor ere gauzak barruan ekipajea ukitu ez duten.

Lìmǎjíyà goes in the room looks around and asks
You haven't packed your luggage already? You idiot! Your luggage is already completely full!
I answer "Still haven't, haven't had anyone touch the stuff inside of the luggage"
I'd like to think there hasn't been anyone to touch the stuff inside of the luggage.

Basque vocab

  • ihardetsi - to ask
  • Ekipaje - luggage
  • maletak - pack
  • duten - past 3rd person done
  • naiz - 1st person to be present tense
  • eta - and
  • Oraindik - still up to this point
  • gauzak - stuff
  • barruan - inside
  • Hire - your
  • Uste izan - to think
  • zara have
  • iratxe - name
  • izan - to be
  • Ni - I, me
  • ukitu - to touch
  • egin - to do
  • etorri come
  • kaiku - idiot
  • da - is
  • gela - room
  • ez - no
  • galdetu - to ask
  • bete - full
  • duzu - close past done 2nd person
  • daborduko - already
  • dut - past done 1st person
  • inor ere - negative anyone

basque grammar

SOV, prodrop, agglunative, post fixes for indicating grammar, lots of auxillary verbs where most languages wouldn't use them, written by a noob who can't find conjugation tables; have fun. Don't bother google translating it, though it'd likely be more correct than I.

Many verbs in basque require an auxillary verb even if it wouldn't make much sense in most languages.

to be, to do, to have, and a few others are auxillary verbs don't do really add much to the idea of the sentence, but give grammatical sense; hard to explain. Most of these verbs that are auxillaries don't really mean much.

-n indicating inside or position.

-a singular definite article.

-(e)la modal would (e) if the word ends with a consonant