//$getstoseeall is the IP address who gets to see the hidden relays as well. $getstoseeall = ''; //$prefix is a prefix attached to every username. For example, for Reddit //communities, the prefix would be /u/. $prefix = ''; //$danger is to warn users of an ongoing reprogramming situation and a prospect //of bugs $danger = 0; //$danger = 1; if ($danger == 0) { error_reporting(0); } //the next variables are texts to show when some piece of information is missing $nolang = '?'; $noby = '?'; $notext = '(text not entered)'; $notransl = '(translation not entered)'; $nogloss = '(gloss not entered)'; $noglossary = '(glossary not entered)'; $nogrammar = '(grammar not entered)'; $noipa = '(no IPA entered)';
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#6 | Norwegian Bokmål by Knut | |
Norwegian Bokmål | English | |
Limargia titta rundt i rommet og spurte meg, "pakka du tinga dine og deretter? Idiot! Du presser oppi kofferten til det flommer over!" | Limargia looked around the room and asked me, "did you pack your stuff and afterwards? Idiot! You're cramming into the suitcase until it overflows!" | |
GRAMMARPronouns, Quantifiers, and Other Pro-formsSome words that I'd rather put in the lexicon section have instead been moved here for concistency's sake.
NounsFortunately, all nouns included in this text are regular. Below are all the relevant declensions:
VerbsThe majority of the included verbs are regular. There's one trace of Old Norse weirdness, but I believe it's transparent enough (or can at least be inferred) to not warrant an "irregular verbs" section.
SyntaxNorwegian Bokmål is SVO with V2 word order. Auxilliary verbs take the verb slot whenever present in a verb phrase. |